

Venetian Macau project to order OSR ware to replace Melamine.

Foodrepublic Olympic City project in April 2024.

ECO Expo Asia 2023 at AWE Hall 6-E35

on 26 - 29 Oct 2023 To prepare for the upcoming Regulation of Disposable Plastic Tableware, the Environmental Protection Department (EPD)’s “Green Tableware Platform” is planning to set up a booth at the Eco Expo Asia 2023, which will be held from the 26th to 29th October 2023. The Booth aims to introduce the various non-plastic tableware products listed on the platform at close range and assist the industry in promoting the market development of non-plastic alternatives. Wah Fat Household Wares Ltd. have the honor to join this event to promoting our “EATware” Bamboo pulp products to you and your operators. Our booth No. was 6-E35, wish to meeting you...

Restaurants and Bar 2023


HOFEX2021 — 第19屆亞洲頂尖國際食品餐飲及酒店設備展經已完滿結束!

為期3日的HOFEX2021 — 第19屆亞洲頂尖國際食品餐飲及酒店設備展已於9月9日完滿結束,幸得各界的支持展會才能順利舉行! 華發會接收大家的意見更進一步,繼續研發新產品去回饋客戶,回饋社會,感謝各界一直以來的支持!

HOFEX2021 — 第19屆亞洲頂尖國際食品餐飲及酒店設備展5E-420 & 5E-426攤位

HOFEX2021 — 第19屆亞洲頂尖國際食品餐飲及酒店設備展將於9月7-9日舉行,致力呈獻環球上乘美食、高級飲料、頂尖款待設備。 是次展覽更是於疫情其間首次舉辦,為各界朋友帶來最新趨勢及創新靈感, 為全球同業重建溝通橋梁,推動疫情後市場復蘇。 華發當然不會錯過是次盛大的宴會,歡迎各界及一直支持我們的朋友們到本公司5E-420 & 5E-426攤位參觀及選購新產品!! 希望大家當日能購買到心水產品啦,華發會繼續接收大家的意見更進一步,感謝各界請大家多多支持呀!!